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Le Gri-Gri International

Le Gri-Gri International

Littérature - Politique - Philosophie - Histoire - Sports - Économie

Benda Bilili! Trailer UK

Publié par Gri-Gri International, Gri-Gri International, Florent de la Tullaye and Renaud Barret, DRC, Ma solange oussou,Bernard Loupias , New York, Blues, France, Black Music, USA, Sony, BEurope sur 26 Janvier 2013, 12:39pm

Catégories : #Les carnets de l'Ambassadrice


www.bendabilili.co.uk AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOW ON DVD & BLU-RAY from Amazon.co.uk
Ricky has a dream: to make Staff Benda Bilili the best band in Congo Kinshasa. Roger, a street child, more than ever wants to join these stars of the ghetto, who get around in customized tricycles. Together, they must avoid the pitfalls of the street, stay united and find the force to hope in music. For five years, from the first rehearsals to their triumph in international festivals, Benda Bilili ! ("beyond appearances") is the story of this dream becoming a reality.
Benda Bilili!
Dir: Florent de la Tullaye and Renaud Barret, DRC / France, 2010,

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