« One for all, and all for one”
“We will remain united when we will face
the regime to regain our sovereignty and our dignity.
We, the future generations and the prosperity should remain firm »
« Any citizen, any State worker is untied from the obedience duty when the instruction received constitutes the infringement of human rights and of public liberties. The instruction of a superior or of any State worker, any public authority who will be responsible of torture or cruel and inhuman treatment either by his own initiative or by instruction, should be punished in accordance with the law »
Article 10 of the Constitution
of the Republic of Congo
of January 20th, 2002
My dear Compatriots,
1 – Yesterday, I served faithfully our country, at that time it was called “Moyen-Congo”, which became Republic of Congo on November 28th, 1958, in the French police force, where I learned the virtue of discipline and or order that constituted the main strength of the armies.
In March 1961, I stop working for the French police force and I decided to work for the Congolese police force that was just been established and I have work faithfully until December 1997, when I decided to retire.
The retirement of a General, as many of you know, allow to the beneficiary to live decently and to meet the vital needs.
Il could therefore make do with my retirement, of my family situation and to spend the rest of my time to look after myself, by traveling all over the world and not care about the rest of the Congolese people.
But that could have been the opposite of my formation as an officer of the police force and to my sense of duty. One is the general of the Republic and for the Republic.
I have never, during my career as a police officer, tried to do politics, or to think or dream to give myself over to politics, which has become in the Republic of Congo, a good business that brings glory and wealth, and that has led many executives among the intellectual elite to prostitute themselves to power, not for the purpose of serving the Republic, or helping people to come out of misery, but for their own interests.
That is why when the unnecessary civil wars from 1993 to 1999 were over, I hoped things were going to be alright thinking that the elections in 2002 would allow the Head of State to work on a true reconciliation, on a true peace restoration and on restoration of public order, on a true forgiveness and on the national reconstruction.
Unfortunately, as everybody knows, although the Head or the State has put in place a Constitution in 2002 but he has been infringing it since the beginning of his term of office.
· The article 68 of the Constitution requires the elected President of the Republic to take the oath in twenty days after he has been elected, after the results have been published by the Constitutional Court. Unfortunately, overstep-ping this obligation, the elected President of the Republic in 2002 didn’t submit himself to this regulation. He took the oath 144 days – exactly 4 months and 22 days after the results have been published on March 23, 2002 and the oath took place on August 14, 2002.
· Other many violations of the Constitution have been revealed and detailed in a questioner letter that political parties and associations, as well as the civil society have written to the presidents of our main institution, the guarantors of our Constitution, and particularly the President of the Constitutional Court.
2 - You probably remember my fraternal and friendly letter of August 2003, written to Mr. the President of the Republic. A true cry from the heart, through which, I brought to his attention the chaotic situation of our country.
I had hope again that things could be better and that the President of the Republic could finally listen the voice of a friend.
Sadly, apart from the orchestrated political speculation, about that letter, nothing has come from him until today. I am still expecting from that letter some positive affects and the real changes that I have hoped for the country and for our people.
Today, considering the inability of Brazzaville to lead the destiny of our people, more particularly to face:
- The social and financial chaos that have become endemic;
- The death and the shelving of our State that has lost its patrimony;
- The precarious conditions of life of our people, that they have never lived for now 49 years of independence;
And due to the moans, to the yells, to the misery and to the distress of the people that I have noticed and experienced with sadness during my tour in all the departments of the country, and to which the power doesn’t want to attend to, I have taken a decision.
I have decided, through this APPEAL, to turn to you, CONGOLESE PEOPLE, hoping to be understood, but without any pretentiousness, to want at all cost to be right, because it is only you who are right.
Congolese People,
I stand before you, you the First Sovereign.
I take you as witness, because it is you who delegated your power to the present President of the Republic, parent of the Constitution of January 20th, 2002 that he has been infringing during the whole term of office and this since seven years as I mentioned earlier.
I am talking to you, dear Compatriots, and I appeal to you publicly.
I appeal to you, you, executives, intellectuals, political women and men.
I appeal to you, you who, for you to get back and defend your interests taken from you illegally, for most of them, made me to be “a bad omen”. I ask you:
- Have you already forgotten the appraisal and the recommendations you drew up during the meeting of the Sovereign National Conference in 1991?
- Don’t you think consciously that this appraisal has become serious today, eighteen years after?
- Do you think consciously about the future of your children, sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces, grand-children and other descendants that you might certainly not have a chance to see them progress?
- Have you consciously the right to inherit to you descendants, a State totally ruined and drained?
I appeal to you, you, my brothers of all the army corps.
I appeal to you, you, the general Officers and high-ranking Officers, low-ranking Officers, noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers, who have certainly not lost the noble sense of duty and of honor:
· Is it normal that our country is run as if we were not any more in Republic, but in a monarchy?
· Can’t we challenge this system and decide, with a patriotic effort, to change our present collusive attitudes and of permanent compromise of principle, in order to Rescue the people, who are tormented today, for whom we have committed to sacrifice ourselves?
· Is it normal that the Congolese people are still, in there daily lives, victims of the extraordinary raise of price of the food stuff, of the impunity, of the consequences of the waste of the public funds, etc., without any reaction from the Government of the Republic?
· Have you forgotten that it is thanks to the ultimate will of our army, that went along with the sovereign people in 1991 that democracy started in our country?
· Will we, because of our personal interests, let that democracy dearly acquired by our sovereign people along whom we committed to defend at all cost?
· Do we prefer to have huge salaries and different allowances while the majority of people suffer, vegetate, moan, yell and look at us?
· How can we still pretend to forget that there are many retired Congolese people of the Pensions Organization National Fund (CNSS) who still receive trivial benefits between 8 000 and 40 000 CFA Francs to feed their huge families whilst we the staggering raise of the price in our urban and rural markets?
· Why should we still pretend to ignore our parents who are dying every hour in different hospital centers, because of lack medical cares, of primary medication, and above all they are victims of the bad management, the lack of hurrying to take charge of the patients?
· Why should we still pretend not to see the Congolese who cannot stock food anymore because the power supply is not guaranteed?
· Water is scarce. Why should we still pretend not to see the Congolese people who drink water of which the treatment conditions are dubious (questionable)?
· Do we prefer that when we wake up in the morning, to see at our doors, the members of the family, of the village, of the tribe, of the area, who are familiar and the families of people who are familiar to us, who come and tell us their difficulties and other problems like beggars?
· Do we prefer to have beautiful houses and beautiful cars while it is filthy in front of our gates, the streets and back streets are prejudicial to health, muddy and impassable?
· Do we prefer to pretend not see in which conditions some of our fellow-countrymen travel by railway track, in the 21st century, in the trains that look like those that should be carrying livestock?
· Do we want that the future generations use our names as symbols of shame?
· In short, will we sacrifice the existence of our nation to the only prestige and to the only glory of a clan that likes to muzzle and to divide people by well known methods by using the clan, the tribe and the region by throwing out with cease the war specter under the cover of peace?
I appeal to you, you, our dear children, pupils and students.
I appeal to you, you, who are conscious that the future doesn’t have any visibility insofar as:
· Despite the importance of our national resources, your work conditions at school, at the college or at the university, remain precarious or are not at all assured;
· The assistance the State was supposed to assure you through the open and fair of study bursaries has, since, become hypothetic;
· It won’t be easy to find a job after you have completed your studies;
· You wouldn’t be able to go to school some years ago because of the successive civil wars, fruit of personal ambitions of irresponsible politicians;
· In short, no real program aiming at the development of the youth, in majority in our country today and no feasible education policy have been put in place in favor of this youth that constitutes the strength of the nation, despite the multiplicity of the ministries consecrated to national education.
I appeal to you, you, workers in the public and private sectors.
I appeal to you:
· Who don’t expect anything from your present responsible of your different unions, most of retired, generally appointed by the power, whom you all know, are not preoccupied by your multiple interests, but by their own comfort;
· Who are conscious of the damaging effects of bad governance, of the generalized demobilization and of the drop of productivity of our administrations;
· Who have lost your job, because your company has closed down or has gone bankrupt and you have been waiting for years for your rights to be to recognized and to get a deserved compensation!
I appeal to you, you, my retired parents.
I appeal to you:
· Who, under the sun, or the rain, in the rush and sometimes victims of insults, and in the endless queues in from the CNSS or at the CREF, waiting for trivial pension;
· Who, weaken by age and by sickness, obliged to climb with difficulty the floors of the CCA or of the government department in change of the public finances to beg, in front of the indifference of the staff, the little money that the state owes you!
I appeal to you, you, dear peasant parents.
I appeal to you:
· Who still work with the rudimentary means, in the 21st century;
· Who often sell your products with difficulty that give you rarely the income obtained from the sweat of your brow;
· Who are hopeless of the power because you don’t have any child or parent in it and who are cynical of politics!
I appeal to you, you, unemployed young men and without a job.
I appeal to you:
· Who are graduated without a job and who depend on your retired parents, because the State is unable to put in place the conditions to create jobs or the initiatives to generate income;
· Who live by your own wits because the State didn’t manage to allow you neither access to professional training that you deserve, nor to other services that your abilities are entitled to expect from the Government.
I know and I can tell you that you are not fools and you don’t agree with what is happening in our country.
You know that the Republic is doing bad, very bad. Congo is governed by a corrupted, incompetent, criminal and brutal kleptocracy that wants to keep the power by fraudulent elections.
The worse fear of the Brazzaville regime is the non violence, for the simple reason that it cannot answer.
Democracy which is a value with clear principles – respect of differences, dialog permanent compromises – that should guide us, has been transformed in a simple slogan that, sadly, distorts our national Assembly and our Constitutional Court.
Let’s ask him to guarantee the respect of the law, of the human rights and of fundamental freedom for all the Congolese people.
Our justice works at two levels: a justice for the well-of, another one for the poor, and yet our Government, that has as constitutional principle, according to article 2: « The Government of the people, by the people and the people », doesn’t have anything democratic in its functioning.
Then often tell me: « No you are exaggerating; people are not in distress… ». But, can someone tell me honestly and by providing proofs:
- That people are not facing fuel, water, electricity, health, education problems, etc. !
- That there is no mismanagement of our State!
- That corruption doesn’t tear apart the country!
- That there is no impunity in our country!
- That there is no mess in the public force!
When he was in the opposition some years ago, the President of the republic, Denis Sassou Nguesso, said in book entitled, the mango tree, the river and the mouse (Page 17):
« Which man who would agree to see his country thrown in a mess and ruin? Which man would tolerate to his own people suffer from the life conditions more and more precarious, deprived of the most elementary democratic rights? (…) No man worthy of the name. »
Let each of us, in particular us, political executives and officers of the army forces, ask therefore today, owing to the distress our people are living in, the question to know if he is man worthy of the name with regard to the commitment taken by him.
As for as I am concerned, I will carry on talking to denounce injustice, mess, absence of control, corruption ; in short, all the wrong doings that are undermining the Republic and that put people lives in danger.
There no greatness being hypocrites, and I am surprised have forgotten so quick the critics of the Sovereign National Conference, as if the histoire is coming to an end.
I am fighting and will always fight because, for me, Congo comes first, before our selfish interests, before our moods and because nobody has the right to play with the destiny of people.
Nobody has the right to use the natural resources and the wealth of a country as a private property the way they like.
At each of my public appearance, I always have time for observation, I step back. But although I have been patient, I notice every time that the power has changed its attitude; nothing gets better; at the end nothing changes, despite the cries or alarm, the declarations, the proposals from people and from organized forces such the opposition political parties, from various associations, from religious organizations, and even from some voices that claim to be part of the presidential majority.
Before the logic « sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me) », that carries on inexorably its course, I take you as a witness, Congolese people, on this tragic way of running a country, to pretend looking after the destiny of the Congolese people.
General as I am, I remain attached, above all, to peace, to true peace:
- Not to that « peace » that allows some to enjoy countless privileges refused to others ;
- Not that « peace » that replaces the victims of war by the victims of poverty, of the lack of medicine, etc.;
- Not that « peace » without access to the State medias for those who are thinking differently;
- Not that « peace » that doesn’t get a solution to the Congolese people who are starving;
- Not that « peace » that ignores the housewife’s shopping basket;
- Not that « peace » with schools without teachers in the country;
- Not that « peace » with roads in depressing dilapidation conditions;
- Not that « peace » where the impunity, the mess and the preferential treatments prevail.
I believe that you deserve a true peace, consolidated by the permanent dialog.
Have we becosxme so cheap to make a debate on the radio or on the television a privilege?
Isn’t it a shame to go to the elections without the institution, beforehand, of an enlightened and open debate, through a consultation based on consensus?
Let’s avoid bringing the country so down; on the contrary, let’s try to raise the level of our democracy in the true peace and regained dignity, in the national unity, in the dialog, in harmony and solidarity among all the children of our country.
My weakness is that I can’t stand seeing my country in this state. I can’t stand knowing that after us, the future generations will use our names as symbols of shame.
I don’t this CALL to remind you neither the conflicts not yet sorted out that are ruining the basis of our national unity, nor the different ethnical components of our country that look daggers at each other.
I don’t forget that the survivors from the known wars in our country are traumatized, and the wounds are not yet healed.
I don’t forget that some Congolese people are still mourning their beloved ones; that they haven’t yet organized a proper mourning for them.
To these misfortunes were severally added the crisis that have made worse the situation of Congolese people. For example:
- The redundancy, without any right, of many liquidated companies workers, such SOTELCO, to mention just this, whereby the mothers and fathers of the family have just been abandoned for years;
- The schools and health centers that even the colonists didn’t dare to other to the colonized of the time;
- The hospitals that don’t help mare the patients to dies than to be healed;
- The precarious retirement pensions and paid with difficulty by CNSS and CREF;
- The tenants whom the landlords ask to pay a deposit of 10 months;
- The retired fathers who carry on to accommodate and feed their jobless sons, with wives and children;
- The civil servants with salaries ten or thirty times less than the ones of the members of political institutions that in reality, are unproductive.
What is therefore your solution?
I don’t forget all this. However, I would like to ask to each of you: what’s your solution? Is it:
- To take a T-shirt, a wrapper, a beer and five thousand even one thousand CFA francs note, every five or six years, just around the time of an electoral campaign?
- Do you prefer to choose an option that will never end the number of victims of hospitals and health centers without medicine, the water and electricity companies that cannot help you, or the corrupted and rotten administration?
- To complain and accuse others of being cowards while yourself do nothing to come out of your situation, preferring to wait the news on Television or on the radio?
- To wait for God to come down on earth, despite all the advantages (aces) he has given you?
Do we have the right to be subjected to, to accept everything?
Congolese people, what’s happening to you to accept everything?
You should know that Congo-Brazzaville, our country, is a blessed of God, a “CONGO” house which the Lord has created and given to us to live in as tenants, himself being the true and sole landowner.
So said an Wiseman, “This country, is not something we have inherited from our ancestors; this country, is something that we barrow from our children”.
That’s why I think that no one among us can pretend having the idea to make Congo his private property. The Lord God is the only sole owner and can, in a second, any minute, any time, without notice, without any justice, allow himself to evict a tenant, even if he has been paying his monthly rent, he might King or Emperor!
- On behalf of what will you agree to live as a tenant in your own country?
- On behalf of what or of whom do you renounce to the memory of the greatness of your country, Congo, failed in the hands of hunter-gatherers, of crooked leaders and of disreputable morality, who have reduced Congo to a lower level comparing to other African countries?
- On behalf of what and of whom do you renounce to the memory of the historical dignity of your country? During the colonization era, French people who colonized us had a higher idea of a Congolese man. They were always saying that the Congolese man was the most proud of his dignity and, for that, the most recalcitrant. Because he knew how to say “NO!”
- On behalf of what and of whom do you agree to give the approval, by your attitude, the veiled coming back of one man thought and to one-party system? Is on behalf of fear?
He, she, saved your life. And you?
Our democracy is sacred, because each of us has lost a parent in the political struggles that took place in Congo.
The Congolese people, under the protection of the law, should have the freedom to express their political opinions without being subjected to harassment, to intimidation or to violence.
- Do you think that blood your life are more precious than of the ones who died to demand democratic freedom in our country? By their shed blood, sacrificed on the intolerance altar because, sometimes, expiatory victims, they have saved your life. They sacrificed themselves so that you may live. You should remember!
- Do you think about the compatriots who are paying of their life the decline of the State today dead and buried?
- Do you think about all the Congolese populations humiliated, thrown in the restless wandering without any hope for the next day?
- Do you think about all the Congolese ladies raped and tortured for nothing, to these children without food, to the schooling disrupted and hypothetical?
- Do you think about these students who quit schooling because of the difficult and insurmountable conditions?
- Do you think about anarchy, about the praise of lie and to the war spirit that have taken the place of the human central values?
- Do you think about the hatred, about the spirit of revenge, about the spirit of destruction, about the mutual exclusion and about the rifts that threaten, each day, our national unity, while some years back, we had the virtues of discipline, of respect of the other, of fraternity, of solidarity and of mutual aid?
In the heart of life there is question of the governance and of legitimacy. We don’t want in our country a presidential election in the present constitutional and electoral framework.
We demand a new democratic constitution and the electoral law reforms so that we can have free and fair elections.
CONGO, our beautiful country, has lost all that was doing its glory and honor of its people. But Congo is not lost.
The time today is serious, very serious.
Some few times before the crucial presidential election, the power is panicking and doesn’t find anything to calm down the hearts, than to try and gain time, finally, to ruin a citizen peaceful consultation, of a dialog wanted and called upon by the opposition political party and associations, as well as by the civil society organizations. The monologue that took place recently in Brazzaville, from the 14th to the 17th April, is an illustration of it.
An election, especially the presidential one, without either any independent electoral national commission, without any joint revision of electoral lists, or any consensus around the judicial framework, will only give a “pass”, “a free-hand” to that iniquitous power, in order to carry on with its hegemony on the country, its work of massive destruction of Congo.
Looting, selling off of our wealth, corruption, debauchery, morals depravity, and impunity, and thus perpetuating the chaos and the advanced deterioration of the country, therefore the misery and sufferings of the Congolese people. What is am sure that no one would like to see this to happen again in our country.
How are we going to achieve our objectives?
It’s about therefore, today, here and now, to punish this arrogant power, without any scruple and pity.
It is about joining together, in a heroic sudden burst, to start all over again.
Don’t be afraid of changes.
In the contrary, it won’t be as others would think the failure of the opposition, but our failure for all of us. It will be your failure.
Since the opposition is only there to defend your interest and that of the Nation, it will be therefore the failure of all the Congolese people who wouldn’t have a chance to live a true democracy; the Congolese people that will have missed the opportunity to live finally in prosperity and in security; while they have everything, that the nature has given them.
Therefore, I tell you: Let us not fear!
Let’s stand, so that together:
1. We exhume and help Congo come back to life, by give it again its letters patent of nobility;
2. We put order in our house “CONGO” and restore the State and the administration;
3. We restore justice, discipline and fairness;
4. We put an end to corruption, to looting of resources and to waste;
5. We put in place the conditions that allow the teachers to do their job, a true vocation, to students to study with dignity, to workers to attend to their to business with dignity, to the patients to be treated correctly, and to the Congolese People to live decently in peace, in dignity, in harmony and in national unity;
6. We, finally, change this country where it will wonderful to live in, thanks to the contribution of each of you, it means of ALL THE CONGOLESE PEOPLE, towards a common goal.
Long live the Republic!
Long live Congo!